

Now that I am back on the blogging bandwagon I'm going to need a little structure to keep myself motivated. Some regular features should keep me honest, I'm thinking.  On Fridays I think I'll share some of the kabillion links and clips in my 'nice things' file--a sort of lordagsgodis or 'Saturday candy' as the Swedes would say.  Other features I'm thinking of are 'Best of Toronto' to highlight some of the exciting things our fair city has to offer, also maybe one day a week I'll update on the house progress.

So without further ado, the first Out of the Nice Things Vault:

As a true textilian I am going to start with links to some extremely covetable textiles.

I'm in love with these blankets. I have fantasies about going to Swans Island and frolicking with the sheep and learning how to weave on their looms. Lucky me, I actually have one of these blankets; it was a graduation gift from my very thoughtful Mum and Dad. I use in almost every day, Anders and I often snuggle under it when we're nursing.

2. Selvedge Drygoods
Selvedge Magazine is positively drool-worthy for anyone interested in textiles. Luckily my besty has a subscription and lets me peruse each month :) Their drygoods site has many beautiful things. Unfortunately, I don't think they ship to Canada but it's good for inspiration.

3. Vaxbo Lin
This Swedish Linen company is another favourite. Whenever we're in Sweden I look at their stuff it's a bit spendy though so I've never indulged. My Mother in Law gave their bath mat to my Mum for Christmas a few years ago and it really is a lovely thing. They use it as a dish drying mat.

4. Brahms Mount
I clipped these towels from Remodelista one time. Love love love.

5. bookhou
Canadian content :) I love everything these guys do. I bought a bib for Anders at the One of a Kind show this year at the bookhou booth.

Okeydoke...off to bed-d-by.


Check out this beautiful  birth photography that I came across via Lovely Morning. Before we had Anders I would have said that I didn't see the point of photographing or filming a birth.  But I totally get it now. As the mum you're way up at the top of the situation and likely have your eyes closed :) I am so happy jimmy took some photos and videos right after Anders was born. It was a pretty profound moment.


I am so excited about our new camera. Here are a few shots I have taken, mostly of my muse ;) So far I have been using the "CA" or creative auto mode, which allows you to make some changes like depth of field and exposure, but still automatically focuses et cetera.  I'm quite happy with the results, especially the shots of Anders. I have a sneaking suspicion that photos of the house are going to need some practise and possibly extra lighting, but I'm excited to do some learning in that department!

It is so freeing to be shooting for fun with a good camera. When I photograph artifacts I always have major anxiety; there is a pretty rigid protocol to follow so colours are true and I always manage to get everything perfect and then realize I forgot the ruler or the colour card or I focused without my glasses and all the shots are blurry... This is WAY more fun.

Anders playing with his toys in his chair

Anders fed up of playing with his toys in his chair

Portrait of Toby

Christmas decorations in the living room

Dining room with the christmas tree




Hurrah, we bought a new camera!

Merry christmas to me from Jimmy, to Jimmy from me and to me and Jimmy from Kris. A shade early, but all the better to catch the look of mild boredom on Anders' face Christmas morning. He's not really into toys quite yet :)  We decided on a Canon T2i and I've been fooling around with it a bit and it seems AWE-SOME. The battery is currently charging, then I'm going to go snap happy and post some (hopefully) pics of a better quality!

P.S. only three days 'till Christmas. Yippee!



Well, my little distraction arrived on the 3rd of September: Anders Erik Frejd!

Who knew one so small could be such a huge force in our universe?!  We love this guy to bits and can't get over how much he has grown and changed in just three and a half short months. Those skinny stick legs he arrive with have turned into cute beefy kicking machines and my sweet boy is full of smiles and almost giggles! Now that I am more in the swing of life with a mini partner in crime I hope to post slightly more often, that is more than the once a quarterly I've been averaging (boo hiss).

I have some exciting posts planned: Progress on the house, baby stuff and all the tips I have for future Clare (and anyone else planning to take the maternal plunge...), our birthstory et cetera; but for now I leave you with the newest member of the Frejd clan!
