So without further ado, the first Out of the Nice Things Vault:
As a true textilian I am going to start with links to some extremely covetable textiles.
I'm in love with these blankets. I have fantasies about going to Swans Island and frolicking with the sheep and learning how to weave on their looms. Lucky me, I actually have one of these blankets; it was a graduation gift from my very thoughtful Mum and Dad. I use in almost every day, Anders and I often snuggle under it when we're nursing.

2. Selvedge Drygoods
Selvedge Magazine is positively drool-worthy for anyone interested in textiles. Luckily my besty has a subscription and lets me peruse each month :) Their drygoods site has many beautiful things. Unfortunately, I don't think they ship to Canada but it's good for inspiration.
3. Vaxbo Lin
This Swedish Linen company is another favourite. Whenever we're in Sweden I look at their stuff it's a bit spendy though so I've never indulged. My Mother in Law gave their bath mat to my Mum for Christmas a few years ago and it really is a lovely thing. They use it as a dish drying mat.
4. Brahms Mount
I clipped these towels from Remodelista one time. Love love love.
5. bookhou
Canadian content :) I love everything these guys do. I bought a bib for Anders at the One of a Kind show this year at the bookhou booth. to bed-d-by.